Contacting your student at school
Please contact the Front Office if you wish to contact your student at school. By contacting the office, we can make sure your message is relayed to the student and unnecessary disruptions to lessons are avoided.
Our school has an official Facebook page where the latest information will be posted. This is particularly useful if excursions are late or there have been changes during the day. Our school community members can join by 'liking' our page and can receive notifications.
Parents are encouraged to contact the school with any enquiries. Administration staff will direct contact with the appropriate staff member. It is often not possible to speak to a member of staff, as they may be on class. The administration staff will contact the staff member who may make a phone meeting or request a face-to-face meeting at school.
If you are concerned about your student's progress or wish to pass on important information that may assist in your student's learning, parents should contact the teacher concerned or the Year Adviser by phoning the school to arrange a meeting or request a return phone call.
Other people who may assist parents are the Learning and Support Team, Aboriginal Education Officer, School Counsellor, Supervisor of Female Students, Head Teacher of a subject area or a Deputy Principal. All of these people may be contacted through the school office.
Students and the school are often in media, television, radio, print and web. Parents/guardians must sign a form indicating that they DO NOT want photos or names of their children published.
Parent/Teacher Meetings
A meeting is held for parents/guardians to meet with class teachers after the half yearly assessments. This is a very good opportunity for you to talk to the teachers and find out how your student is progressing at school. Even if your student has had an excellent report, it is worthwhile for you to come and talk to the teachers and exchange information. Other special meetings are arranged as required such as information evenings for course selections, motivational speakers, literacy etc. We encourage all parents/guardians to attend these meetings and information nights. The P & C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising. We welcome all parents and carers along to the meetings.
Phone Calls
Phone calls are the preferred method of communication when there is an urgent issue. Please make sure you keep the school informed of your latest phone contact numbers. Please contact the school to pass on a message and do not ring a student if they have a mobile phone.
Reporting on student progress and achievement
Years 7 to 10
A formal report is sent to parents to indicate student progress and achievement at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2.
The Half Yearly and Yearly reports contain a series of grades and marks indicating the progress of the students in achieving the outcomes prescribed by the NSW Education Standards Authority for that particular subject.
In each subject, students are advised on how particular outcomes will be assessed and how this will contribute to their achieving at a satisfactory level in the course.
When students fail to complete assessment tasks on time or to a satisfactory standard, parents will be notified.
Years 11 and 12
The Reports, following half yearly and yearly examinations are based on examination and assessment tasks results. The HSC Assessment ranking is outlined in the HSC Assessment Policy issued to Year 11 students at the beginning of Term 4.
School Newsletter
The School Newsletter is published each week and distributed via email. It is also posted on the school website. A hard copy is also available upon request. The newsletter is an important tool to inform students, parents and carers about current happenings and achievements of our students in the school. Copies of the newsletter are also available at the Front Office.
It is essential that the school has the correct email address so you can receive these important updates.
School Correspondence
Please make sure that you continually update your contact details with the school. The school will send correspondence through the mail to parents and carers. In particular, if there are behavioural or attendance issues with students, official warning letters from the school will be issued. If you have concerns or questions regarding the letter, please contact the staff member named in the letter.
Student Daily Notices
Each morning during roll call students are read the Daily Notices which inform about important events, information and reminders. This is the main form of regular communication with all students.