All students in Year 9 follow courses in:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education
- History & Geography
In addition students follow courses in three elective subjects. Elective subjects on offer in 2021 include:
- Aboriginal Studies
- Agriculture
- Child Studies
- Commerce
- Drama
- Electronics
- Food Technology
- Industrial Technology- Metal
- Industrial Technology- Timber
- Information and Software Technology
- Music
- Talented Athletes Program
- Textiles
- Visual Arts
All students in Year 10 follow courses in:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education
- History & Geography
In addition students follow courses in three elective subjects. Elective subjects on offer in 2021 include:
- Aboriginal Studies
- Agriculture
- Child Studies
- Commerce
- Elective History
- Electronics
- Food Technology
- Industrial Technology- Metal
- Industrial Technology- Timber
- Music
- Talented Athletes Program
- Visual Arts