Casino High School

Individually we achieve, together we excel

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Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
  • Physics.

In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.

At the core of the educational experience at Casino High School is our distinguished faculty.  Offering both sterling educational credentials and deep professional experience, these talented men and women are deeply dedicated to the education and development of your students.  The members of Casino High School’s Science faculty share their knowledge with your students, mentor and encourage them, challenge them to think in new ways, collaborate with them on high-level research, and help them become career-ready.  We hear from countless ex-students who reflect back on the significant impact their Science teachers had and continue to have on their lives.  Each and every day, Casino High School’s Science faculty prove that outstanding teaching and great teachers have a lasting impact on your students.

At Casino High School, General Science is taught to all students in Years 7-10. Students learn about the major fields of Science according to the syllabus set by the NSW Education Standards Authority. Electronics is also taught to Years 9 and 10.

In the Senior School (Years 11 and 12) students can specialise in their study of Science. The following courses - according to the syllabus set by the NSW Education Standards Authority - are offered by the faculty to Senior Students: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Investigating Science and Earth and Environmental Science (this course is offered but has not been taken up by students to date).

To wonder, explore, question and predict: the sciences fundamentally investigate our world. Using observations and making predictions and hypotheses allows student to better understand the world around them. Students develop understanding of scientific concepts through this investigative process and communicate their understanding in a variety of forms and structures. In this way, they develop critical thinking skills that equip them to make evidence-based judgements. Our modern world, its innovation, its entrepreneurial spirit, its elegant solutions, its perceptive response to global challenges are all driven by Science. Furthermore, Science has impacted the very way we think of ourselves, origins of the universe, moral understanding and the compassionate way in which we respond to humanitarian crises. In this discipline we find the imagination to dream, the means to understand, and the will to do.

Science is a mandatory course that is studied substantially in each of Years 7–10 with at least 400 hours to be completed by the end of Year 10.

Course Description

Science develops students’ skills, knowledge and understanding in explaining and making sense of the biological, physical and technological world. Through applying the processes of Working Scientifically students develop understanding of the importance of scientific evidence in enabling them as individuals and as part of the community to make informed, responsible decisions about the use and influence of science and technology on their lives.

What will students learn about?

Through their study of Science, students develop knowledge of scientific concepts and ideas about the living and non-living world. They gain increased understanding about the unique nature and development of scientific knowledge, the use of science and its influence on society, and the relationship between science and technology.

What will students learn to do?

Students actively engage individually and in teams in scientific inquiry. They use the processes of Working Scientifically to plan and conduct investigations. By identifying questions and making predictions based on scientific knowledge and drawing evidence-based conclusions from their investigations, students develop their understanding of scientific ideas and concepts, and their skills in critical thinking and problem-solving. They gain experience in making evidence-based decisions and in communicating their understanding and viewpoints.

Course Requirements

All students are required to undertake at least one research project during each of Stage 4 and Stage 5. At least one project will involve ‘hands-on’ practical investigation. At least one Stage 5 project will be an individual task.


Course Description

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are fundamental to shaping the future of Australia. They provide enabling skills and knowledge that increasingly underpin many professions and trades, and the skills of a technologically based workforce. The Electronics course utilises these knowledge pillars in their application to Skills, Technology Engineering and Mechanics.

Electronics skills are applied across many diverse fields of employment, from Aerospace to Medicine. Specialist electronics occupations may be in cutting edge technology like such as Artificial Intelligence for Self-Driving Cars, Virtual Reality or technology start-ups that develop the next life changing technology.

There is a world focus on these fields that seek to grow the supply of graduates with the skills and knowledge developed through a quality education in Electronics. The reason is straightforward, the world’s dependence on knowledge and innovation will grow and not diminish and to be ahead in the race, a community needs the skills to anticipate rather than follow, which this course develops.

What will students learn about?

The Electronics course utilises a practical integrated approach with engineering and technology being used to drive engagement, through the development of technical skills and engineering knowledge. Its purpose is to increase the numbers of students studying Science based subjects in the senior years and ultimately the number of students entering tertiary study at both University and trade levels in Electronics or Electronics based employment.