Sport is an important part of the total education of students. Casino High School offers a wide variety of sports during its weekly sports program so that all students have the opportunity to excel.
Sport for Years 7-10 is run on Wednesday afternoon after Break 2.
Students in Year 11 & 12 are not required to undertake school sport but are invited to do so, provided prior arrangements have been made.
At the beginning of each term, students will be offered a variety of sports they may wish to undertake. The availability of these sports will depend on student selection numbers, venues and teacher availability. Some sports also have an upfront cost, especially if accessing an offsite sport. The school runs a summer sports program during Terms 1 & 4, and a winter sports program during Terms 2 & 3.
Sports offered in 2022 include but not limited to: Archery, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Cricket, Golf, Football, Futsal, Gym Circuit, Handball, Indoor Gym, Pool Games, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Tennis, Walking, Water Volleyball.
Sport is part of the core curriculum and such is a compulsory part of a student’s schooling. Parents should avoid scheduling activities or appointments during the sport time which would necessitate their child regularly missing sport.
If for some reason, a student is unable to attend sport, a note signed by a parent/guardian and authorised by the Weekly Sport Organiser (Mr Andrew Yager- pictured below) must be presented to the Student Services Counter before 9:00am on Wednesday mornings. Students then follow normal procedures for leaving.